RoI sustainability specialists

We have unparalleled execution experience in Industrial and Enterprise environments.

Our speciality is in setting up practices, augmenting skills via our virtual Chief Sustainability Officer (vCSO), virtual Chief Digital Officer (vCDO), virtual Chief Information Security Officers (vCISO) and skilled elastic workforce with in an organisation.

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Stakeholder Management

  • Workshops and sessions
    Materiality assessment,
    Review the sustainability status
    Gather stakeholder expectation
    Long-term profits plan/roadmap
    Change Management

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Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy
  • ESG Strategy and Management plans
    Sustainable Development Goals Alignment
    Sustainability Roadmap
    ESG Target Setting
    KPI monitoring
    Change Management

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Policy Establishment and Development

  • Set up corporate sustainability policies
    Setup robust management systems
    Evaluate progress
    Provide Advisory Support
    Guide Ops and Facilities for continual improvement towards sustainability

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Scorecards and benchmarking
  • Public Relation and ESG Strategies
  • Brand Image and Public Perception
  • Sustainability Score Card
  • New Service Introduction

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ESG Reporting and Discloure

  • ESG Related Data Collection
  • Identify ways of improvement on data reporting
  • Reporting Framework
  • Drafting context of ESG report
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Supply Chain Improvement

  • Employment and Labour practices baseline
  • Product Lifecycles
  • Partner and Vendor


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Carbon Audit and Tooling

  • Calculate Carbon Emissions
  • Establish Method and tooling   
  • Carbon Calculators
  • EMS systems
  • H&S system
  • Sustainability Trackers
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